The first:

I just LOVE this and found it through Kelly over at Our Lincoln Log, I am truly a prisoner of summer in all aspects of my life right now which you would know if you came to my house. I am on a sort of mommy strike at the moment. Leaving my wonderful husband to pick up the pieces or at least the laundry. You can click on the button to come and take the POS pledge.
Reason #2:
This one is even better though. I or I guess I should say We are expecting baby #3!!!! That's right I am pregnant again and we are sooo excited. We had decided to leave it up to the fertility gods to see if we would have baby #3. Truth be told I was really worried it wouldn't happen with Hudson still nursing during the day and night. But Artemis must have been looking down on us because I am 8 weeks and due around March 18, 2010. We have already met with the local homebirth midwife. Their is only one in our area, thank goodness she is amazing and we fell in love with her when we met her for the first time. North Carolina has horrible laws regarding midwifery and we are lucky to have anyone willing to practice here. Hopefully though the Big Push and NC Friends of Midwives will be able to change all that. As for me this has been my easiest first trimester as of yet but I am lacking all motivation and I mean to do ANYTHING. My poor kids, lucky for all of us the grandparents will be in town on Wednesday to help out for a week. In the mean time I will be hiding in my air conditioned house most likely in my PJ's allowing the kids to watch as much TV as they want and praying the hubby will cook diner, clean up this mess, put the kids to bed and tell me how beautiful I look even though I don't have the energy to even take a shower. I love him so much. I promise by fall and the arrival of my second trimester I will be here on a much more regular schedule. Until then enjoy the dog days of Summer.
Happy news! Congratulations. I hope you can enjoy all the extra care from your husband and family.
eeeeek!! YEAH SAM!! So happy for you!!!!!
& hahaha, i so can relate. filthy house. never knowing when there will be dinner and when there won't. and i've been showering every 2 1/2 days, yummy.s
Yeah!!! So excited for you all. Seems like everyone I know is getting bit by the pregnancy bug.
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