I am mom to; Sailor, Hudson, Linden and wife to my loving husband Chris. We are a military family and therefore always on the move. I enjoy blogging about our little urban homestead, our attachment parenting choices and our adventures as a newly homschooling family.
If you are reading this and happen to be in our area, greater Wilmington NC, please visit our moms group. Parenting Naturally's goal is to bring together families who are choosing to try to live their lives and raise their children with kindness towards themselves others and the planet. Common topics/themes might be breastfeeding, non-violent communication, babywearing, co-sleeping, options in childbirth (natural, home, waterbirth, vbac, etc.), cloth diapering, elimination communication, herbs, homeopathy, healthy foods, homeschooling, unschooling, exchanging resources, etc.
We had a great 4th here in Southport. There was a parade, an arts and crafts sale, music, car show, food and fireworks. We got to have a nice little BBQ with friends and eat lots of good food. Though I seemed to only remember the camera for the parade.
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